Disclaimer Policy
Color Accuracy
The color representations displayed online may vary from screen to screen due to differences in monitor resolutions. Colors are subjective and may vary from person/company. Different products with the same color name may not match in color. All of our products have the following disclaimer in the description section “colors may vary due to lighting”.
We recommend purchasing swatches if available, we do NOT offer swatches in all our products. If a swatch is not available for purchase we suggest stopping by our physical shop in Los Angeles OR to purchase 1 yard / piece before the larger final purchase of a product is made.
Dye Lot Variation
Dye lot variations occur when a fabric is manufactured again. The color change is typically a small change darker or lighter, changes can be from anywhere in between a +/- 5-10%.
Please keep in mind that any reordered fabric/product may be different from the original purchase.
Returns or exchanges will not be accepted due to dye lot variation.
Natural Flaws
All fabrics may come with natural flaws, including but not limited to crease marks, holes, snags, defective selvage, misprinting, uneven dying, and splicing.
Uneven Cuts
Fabric may not be cut perfectly straight, however customer will always get the amount of yards purchased plus a couple of extra inches due to any uneven cuts.
Fabric Availability
We always try to send the fabric in one continuous cut, if that is not possible and not listed in the description of the fabric, we will contact you via e-mail, at the e-mail address listed on your order.
Discontinued Product
We reserve the right to change and discontinue any product at any time without notice to you.